Earn More During Peak Hours

At certain hours of the day, Got It! experiences a higher volume of questions from students. During these times, it is critical to have Study Experts online to handle the higher demand. These are also the times when you can make the most money as an expert!

In order for you to understand when these higher volume times are, please see the chart below. There are four colors, one for Monday – Thursday, one for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday. Each of those four colors is stretched across the 24 hours of that day (in the Pacific timezone), showing the amount of incoming question volume historically measured for that hour. The higher the peak, the more questions we typically see for that hour.


  • On Monday – Thursday, you can see that the question volume starts to increase in the early morning and has a sharper Question / Hour rise starting at 01:00 PM. Volume increases until it peaks around 8:00 PM PST (20:00) and then lowers as the evening progresses.
  • Sunday afternoon/night has peak hours since students are getting ready for Monday classes!

To convert to your time zone, you can use this website (it will open in another tab).


This chart is placed here in the FAQ for reference purposes. As an Expert you are an extremely valuable part of the Got It! community and we are constantly working to improve your experience as an Expert. Making sure to be online during the peak hours will help you make the most amount of money!