Category Archives: GETTING STARTED

New Expert Training Videos

Study Expert Orientation

This is the 1st of three videos you went through when joining Got It!

How To Be A Great Study Expert!

This is the 2nd video. This video highlights the important policies and procedures at Got It.

So that you can be the BEST Study Expert!

Working Within The Expert Portal

Have questions on how to work within the portal? The 3rd video shows from start to finish a perfect example of a successful session.

Bidding System


In the Expert Portal, all experts are paid using In-App Credits. When a problem is routed to our available experts, they are able to bid a maximum of 8 credits for basic subjects and 12 credits for higher-level subjects. The value of each unit of credit equals $0.125. Therefore, the maximum that an expert can earn per problem will be $0.125 x 8 = $1 for basic subjects and $0.125 x 12 = $1.50 for higher-level subjects.


Below is an example of the bidding process, included are screenshots of what you should expect to see!


Continue reading

Skipping and Flagging


You might encounter problems in the Portal that you feel incapable of explaining. In these cases, you should SKIP a problem instead of claiming it. As a reminder, if you’re not 100% certain that you can provide an accurate solution, it is best to SKIP the problem and move on. Below are the appropriate reasons to Skip a problem:

  • Question difficulty too high
  • Not comfortable with subject matter
  • Cannot solve within ten minutes
  • Repeated poor reviews from same student

Auto – Skipping

You will get up to 30 seconds to make your decision whether to bid on, skip or flag a problem. If no action is recorded from your side, the session will be marked as auto-skipped. Since auto-skipping lowers the chance of new experts winning their next bid, we advise you to pay close attention and avoid auto-skipping. 

Here are some useful tips for you to avoid such a situation:

  1. Make sure you will be available at your computer after you press “start working”. If you are busy and want to walk away from your desk, you should either “Stop working” or log out of the expert portal.
  2. Make sure you allow sound notifications for the expert working portal. If not, you can turn it on easily by (1) Click the lock icon on your browser, and (2) Change the Notification setting to “Allow(as illustrated in the below screenshot)   


Flagging an incorrectly-posted problem is crucial to correctly guiding student behavior and posting practices.

Whenever you flag an incorrectly-posted problem, the student receives immediate feedback with a message stating why their problem was flagged. In these cases, the student is not charged any credits if their problem is unable to be explained.

Photo problems are NOT to be claimed if you can flag them for any of the reasons listed below.


A. Contains Multiple Questions

B. Question is Incomplete/Unclear

C. Question Not in English

D. Graphic Imagery/SPAM

E. Incorrect Subject Tag

If a question from Biology is tagged as Algebra, it should be flagged as “incorrect subject tag”

F. Picture is Not Clear

Here are some commonly seen examples:

  1. Student posts unclear image – Flag using ‘picture not clear’ and not ‘question not clear’ flag.
  2. Student requests image of graph to be drawn or posts a problem with graph – Do not flag this question as ‘SPAM’. Answer this question, unless it violates one of the other rules.
  3. Student posts multiple problems – Use multiple question flag, even if you feel the questions can be answered within 10 minutes please flag. You will be setting unrealistic expectations for the user.
  4. Student posts inappropriate picture – Flag the image using ‘Spam’ option. 

Exceptions to Multiple Problem Flag

If the student posts a problem and has a doubt in a second part – that cannot be explained without solving the first part – you may solve the entire problem. This is an exceptional case.

Flagging for Unclear Images

Please read the problem carefully or view the image carefully and only flag if absolutely necessary.

Student Flagging

Students can also flag a session for inappropriate content. The Expert will then be notified that their session has been flagged.

Accidental Claiming & Other Edge Cases

  • If you accidentally claim a question that should have been flagged to start with, please inform the student of your mistake in the chat. 
  • If a student asks you to answer an extra question mid-session, politely inform them in chat about our rule of answering one question per session.
  • If you accidentally claim a question that you are unable to answer, please inform the student in chat, not in the answer section of your inability to do so. Please note, however, that improperly-claimed sessions will negatively affect your audit scores and ranking, so please claim carefully!



  • Got It! will convert your earnings and payment for them is made on the 1st and 15th of each month.
    Please keep in mind that we are located in the PST time zone and we will process payments in this time zone.


  • Study Experts are presently paid through one of two channels – Upwork or PayPal. Only PayPal addresses under email format (eg: should be accepted.


  • Our policy does not allow experts to share the same payment method even if one of those accounts is inactive or suspended. If we detect this action, your accounts will be suspended immediately.


  • Your payment channel depends on how you found out about the job. If you contacted us via Upwork or were contacted by us through Upwork, then you are contractually obligated to have your payout through Upwork.
  • If this does not apply to you, then you will be paid through PayPal.
  • The exception to this is if you live in a country that is not serviced by PayPal. In that case, you must be paid through a contract with Upwork.

A list of countries where PayPal is available can be seen by clicking the link below:


Please use the payment tab in your account settings and indicate your preferred method of payment. A screenshot of your payment tab is below.

Enter your PayPal / Upwork information, country of origin, and how you found us by clicking the large text directly below. Please remember to Save Changes before exiting the webpage.


  • Once your pay preference has been established, you cannot change it at a later date. You will need to contact our support team with your updated information.
    – For all payment-related inquiries, you can send an email to
    – For all other questions, you can send an email to email

Starting payment through Upwork:

  • You MUST have an account with that agency.
  • Fill out your Profile URL (
  • We will send a contract offer out to you to accept
  • After accepting, you will be paid through Upwork according to our pay schedule

Starting payment via PayPal:

  • Create a personal PayPal account. You do not need to have a business account.
  • Fill out your PayPal email address in the payment tab.
  • We will record your PayPal email address.
  • On paydays, PayPal will send you an email stating the funds are available.
  • Follow the directions in the email to obtain your payment. Make sure you have your PayPal account verified to receive the payment successfully. Otherwise, we can’t deliver the earnings to it.

If you do not let us know your preferred method of payment, we cannot pay you in a timely manner. Please remember to enter all your information before paydays.


To get verified, go to your PayPal account to add and confirm your bank account or, if you prefer, add and confirm your debit or credit card. You can refer to the below link for your reference.

  1. How do I add and confirm my bank account?
  2. How do I add and confirm my debit or credit card?

Note: PayPal will make a small charge (normally around $1.95 to $2) in your bank account or debit/credit card. They will refund the charge after the verification process is completed, which might take 24 hours or up to one week.

Using the Expert Portal

The login screen can be seen below:


The login screen allows for the following options:

  • Logging in with email account
  • Logging in with your Facebook account
  • Access link to Expert Portal Terms of Service

Once you are logged in, the home screen is now visible

Home Page


The home screen acts as a dashboard where you can access the following sections of the portal. You will see the following elements on this page:

  1.   Workspaces (by clicking the Explain button)
  2.   Account settings
  3.   Earnings
  4.   Performance
  5.   Practice Area
  6.   Training – FAQ
  7.   Referral link button
  8.   Log Out button
  9.   Portal notifications

Clicking the Explain workspace button will bring you to the following page where photo problems will be routed to you.

Within the Explain workspace page the following information is available to see on the top bar:

  • Today Earned Credits
  • “Stop Working” – which will take you back to the home page

The Account Settings page is where you enter personal information for your Study Expert account.


This page has several tabs that you should be aware of:

  • Details (Name, Email, Contact info, Subjects covered)
  • Payment (Enter payment info, Country info – VERY IMPORTANT TO REGISTER)
  • Change Password (Knowing your current password is required to change password)
  • Privacy Center (Know how information is shared and managed with Got It)

The Earnings page allows for Study Experts to monitor their credits in real-time as well as historical numbers:

The Earnings page has two sections.
SUMMARY of Week at top and DETAILS by Day of Week at bottom.

The SUMMARY section will have supported subjects broken down individually. This will allow you to see which subjects are earning you the most credits.

The DETAILS section will display each day of the work week to see the following information for each workspace:

  • Subject
  • Number of Problems
  • Earned Credits

This allows you to understand how each day adds up to your total pay for the week. At the bottom, you can see the total pay for the week. Buttons for the previous week and next week are available so you can see past and future sections of this page. The week is calculated from Sunday to Saturday.

The Earnings page also has two buttons at the top of the page that link to:

  • Referral Report – Monitor your referrals and see how they are progressing
  • Payment Details – link to your Payment Information page and be sure to fill out to be paid on time

Your performance page allows you to monitor your workspace performances in real time. You can change the subject you want to check performance by selecting from the drop-down list on the top right corner of your performance page. The page is outlined by the following parameters:

1. Audits – This page includes Audit Overviews and Audit Details:

Audit Overviews lets you monitor your audit results by dimensions. This is an excellent way to monitor your own performance on a real-time basis and make adjustments to improve your ranking. 

  • Accuracy – Accuracy is measured by the percentage of audited explanations that were accurate
  • Format – Format is measured by the percentage of audited explanations that have correct formatting
  • Customer Service – Customer service is measured by the percentage of audited explanations with correct Customer Service
  • Polish – Polish is measured by the percentage of audited explanations that correctly used the LaTeX editors

Audit Details lets you monitor most audit results by subjects and you are able to dispute in case you find an audit may be mis-scored.

2. Student Success – This is measured by average ratings over the max rating score (of 5) you receive from students following sessions. Other than that, the page includes related metrics such as Claimed But Unanswered and Low Star Statistics so you can monitor and try to keep it as low as possible. 

Student Success


3. Bidding Statistics: This page shares metrics about your session including Completed Sessions, Average Length, and Chat Responsiveness. Also, Bidding statistics such as Claimed and Skipped are measured.

Joining Expert Community on Slack

Hey there,

Since Jan 2022, we create the Slack workspace to offer experts opportunities to interact with and help each other.

New experts are encouraged to join our Slack channel via this link. Reach out to our Support team at if you need any help joining the workspace. 

Once you are a member of the Slack workspace, please honor the following rules to help build and maintain a healthy community.

Community Guidelines:

  1. Be nice. 
  2. Try to find the answer yourself first in the Portal Training/FAQ section (Login required). We find 80% or more of expert’s concerns are already addressed in this section.
  3. Try to search for the question first instead of asking the same questions over again.
  4. Don’t share your personal information (which includes your email, Expert ID, phone or any kind of personal links) either to any channels or through a direct message.
  5. Don’t send unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or “spam” messages. This includes the prohibited sharing of any invitation links to join groups without explicit Got It’s permission.
  6. Don’t harass or abuse other members.
  7. Don’t discuss finance or pay. 
  8. For any personal inquiry, reach out to our Support team at 

Misuse of messaging may result in the suspension of account privileges and/or termination of your Study Expert account(s).