Wolfram Alpha

How to use Wolfram Alpha

As a PhotoStudy Expert, your job is to provide unique and original explanations for students’ problems.  In some cases however it makes for a better student experience to insert additional content, such as graphs or charts. PhotoStudy provides all Experts with the Wolfram Alpha tool in order to supplement their explanations.  You can also use the WA tool to check your answers, but by no means it is a tool to copy and paste an entire explanation.  

Here are the DO’s and DON’Ts while using the Wolfram Alpha Tool:

  • Do enter your equations into the tool to double-check your explanations.
  • Do not copy and paste the graph generated by the integrated Wolfram Alpha into the chat. These photos will expire and neither students nor auditors will be able to view them. You will be marked down in your audit if auditors are not able to view the chat image(s) that are necessary for your explanation.
    • Alternatively, you may take a screenshot of the graph and clip the image to the chat by uploading the file.



As a reminder, you can always practice using the Wolfram Alpha tool in the ‘Practice Area’ of the Expert Portal. Good luck!